Sunday, July 3, 2011

First Sabbath

July 2

Today we praised amid the sounds of roosters crowing, dogs barking, and birds singing (all creatures praise his name!). Having divided the group into two, we set off to different churches to preach and offer praises through music. Even though the weather was very humid and warm (keeping us in a constant sweat), the nationals proved even warmer.
After church, we returned to our dwelling (a large building next to the main sanctuary). We then took a school bus for the short trip to the Hogar to have lunch and meet the kids. Nelson Rodriguez (Papi to the kids at the Hogar) gave us a tour and explained the history behind the beginnings of the Hogar. We were all very impressed with the story as the events were so obviously let by God. As we were walking around, getting to know the lace, the kids gazed at us curiously, while hanging onto their “Papi.” Since they recognized Nelson (Silva) from his previous trip back in December, he also had about three kids hanging onto him like monkeys.
The bell then rang for lunch and we enjoyed a delicious meal of rice, beans, salad and an especially prepared glutten. We sat at various tables, mixing ourselves amongst the kids to get to know them. They opened up to us quickly, and before we knew it, we were laughing and playing around with them. Laura was a particular favorite amongst the high-school girls. They dragged her around everywhere, even though they couldn’t speak to each other. Jeremiah had a blast climbing a tree with the younger kids and running around (or rather, after them, as they had snatched his shoes to get him to chase them!)
That afternoon we were able to join forces with the young people from the Hogar and church and go door-to-door handing out flyers and inviting people to the evangelistic series beginning with a concert later that evening.
The concert was wonderfully put together by Jen. It included music by Bobby, David, Caleb, Tina, April, Jen, and a special song by Raquelita after Pr. Vazquez’ sermonette.
It was a wonderfully fulfilling and uplifting Sabbath! Tomorrow we begin our various Jobs, so stay posted! ---Be sure to scroll through all the photos below as there are personal anecdotes from each of us at the end!

PS. Thanks so much for all the wonderful cards and letters we’ve been receiving each day! They are very comforting and inspiring!

I was touched by the kids in the Hogar! They were so friendly and loving to us, who are total strangers. Especially when most of us kids don’t know Spanish. They are still willing to stick around us and allow us to play with them even though it’s difficult to understand each other. I am so excited to see what God has in store for us for the rest of the week!  ---Tina

It’s really awesome to me know welcoming these people are. Even though a lot of us don’t know their language we still find ways to hang out and communicate with them. I am so blessed to be able to be here and grow through this experience. ----Laura

I am so happy to be here. The kids are so sweet and loving. The heat, bed and bugs are not near as bad as I thought. I have only been here one day but I already want to come back. ---Catherine

Today was our first Sabbath. Today, for the first time, we met the kids from the Hogar. What I liked was that the kids were so affectionate with us and were confidently relating with our group. It was really a new experience for me. God does not abandon these kids. ---Celia

After our tiring travels, the Sabbath rest felt good. The language barrier was a small issue, but even still we were able to pla with them and also help pass out lfiers. After working with Bobby trying to translate the Ecclesiastes 12'1,2 son into spanish, I can better empathize with a translator´s struggles. Accents are often missplaced and the litteral translation apparently isn´t worded properly. But overall this trip has been a blessing so far!  ---Simon

Since my arrival in Honduras I must say it seems surreal. The love and warmth of the people here has been beautiful. Though I have only been here a couple days I have been blessed through God´s protection and experiencing how when we come together to do the will of God how powerful and united we are in Christ. It doesn´t matter if we are from different cultures, race, or economic status, for we are one in Christ. ---Helda

I´m touched by the nationals in how friendly they are to total strangers. When on Sabbath we gave out invitations to come to our meetings and concert they listen and smile and talked to us. ---Edith

Sabbath was a little more eventful than ususal. With one less day to prepare, I was rushing around trying to solidify the concert for the evening. Fortunately, time in the airport allowed us the opportunity to practice the songs I brought to sing. Because of all of the talented people we have, we had several options for performances. Since we had no idea the condition of instruments, we were prepared to sing a capella if needed. But again, the Lord blessed us with a decent piano and even a guitar. Non only were te instruments a blessing, but also the talented players that made these instruments sing. In 2 hours time Caleb and Bobby learned 4 songs they haven´t heard before and made them performance ready. I even threw key changes and piano motifs but the guys were complete professionals and did what I asked but better! Thank you, Lord for the gift of music!---Jen

In transit to Honduras, during the long hours of waiting in the airport for our flight, we invested a part of the time preparing for our singing roles in the upcoming evening meetings. While at first our focus rested on learning our parts and organizing the program format, soon after a few songs were sung, the next seemed to flow spontaneously from exhilirated hearts. Whatever song we felt inspired to sing we sang, until were raptured in the moment. Amid the bussle of the airport and the announcenments on the loud speaker, a passerby could hear beautiful voices joined in joyous harmony. Although some may have been annoyed by our curious antics, for those who stopped to listen the music opened a door through which we freely shared the true reason for our existance. At times our mission may seem dependent on locality - as if we may think it begins when we set foot on foreign soil - but our mission begins each day we decide to livee and breath with Jesus on our side. Whether God calls us to witness in the rainforests of Honduras or the terminal of Miami International, we must be ready at all times to give an answer. ---Bobby


  1. Catherine, Grace wont's to know if that dog in the pic is a Brittany???

  2. I believe God has called just the right group of His children to do His bidding on this trip. I know you will do your jobs well. Know that you're all in my thoughts and prayers and look forward to hearing more and seeing more pictures of what God is doing in all your lives as well as the childrens. May God bless you all and keep you in His and miss you!

  3. What a testimonial of God supreme goodness!




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